What I treat - I look after patients with all of the following problems:

Oral surgery
I undertake the following aspects of oral surgery:
Wisdom tooth (third molars) removal
Removal of retained tooth roots or difficult teeth
Management of jaw cysts (such as shown in image)
Simple removal of teeth and roots
Bisphosphonate related jaw problems
I am able to offer the above treatments under local anaesthesia (awake) or general anaesthesia (fully asleep) depending on general health and/or medical needs. I am also very happy to treat those with dental phobias or other anxieties.
Wisdom teeth problems!
Lumps & bumps in and around the mouth and face
Lumps and bumps can occur for many reasons in and around the mouth and face. These are often innocent swellings but can cause worry until they've been checked out. Such swellings are fairly common and include:
Mucoceles - benign minor salivary gland swellings.
Bony lumps or tori such as those shown in the picture.
Gum swellings or "epulis".
Dental infection which can cause swellings in the mouth or on the face.
Salivary gland and other neck / facial swellings.
Occasionally, swellings may be more significant (see next section).
Most swellings are often very characteristic and normally easily treated.

Head & Neck Surgery and Oncology
I have a special interest in Head & Neck Oncology with particular reference to mouth cancer:
Mouth cancer, also known as oral cancer, is the 12th most common cancer in men in the UK and 16th most common in females. It accounts for 1 in 50 of all new cancers.
The incidence of mouth cancer is rising, that is, it is becoming more common.
In the UK there were around 6,800 new cases of mouth cancer in 2011 with two thirds occuring in men.
The incidence of mouth cancer changes with age, peaking in men in their mid 60's but continuing to rise in females with increasing age.
The earlier a mouth cancer is diagnosed, the better the prognosis (outlook).
Mouth cancer is diagnosed by taking a sample of tissue from the lining of the mouth and this can often be done under local anaesthetic.
Signs to look for include; non healing mouth ulcers, red or red & white oral patches, unexplained lumps, neck lumps, unexplained loose teeth and sensory changes. (See:http://guidance.nice.org.uk/CSGHN)
The biggest risk factor for mouth cancer is tobacco, in all its forms.
I manage all aspects of mouth cancer from initial diagnosis, treatment
planning, surgery and post-operative care, problems arising from
treatment(s) through to long term follow up. I am part of the
Addenbrooke's Head & Neck multidisciplinary team.
Data from:
Oral Medicine
Oral medicine is the diagnosis and management of chronic or recurring problems that affect the mouth and jaws and includes conditions such as:
Oral ulcers
White and red patches of the oral mucosae (lining of the mouth).
Sore mouth.
Oral Lichen planus.
Geographic tongue (erythema migrans).
Facial pain including jaw joint pain (TMJ dysfunction).
Sometimes, these conditions are chronic and need a long term management plan.
Occasionally, a sample taken from the lining of the mouth or tongue may be required and this can often be done under local anaesthetic. Some procedures require general anaesthetics.

Paediatric Oral Surgery
I undertake treatment for infants and children with oral & dental problems. These include:
Tongue tie (ankyloglossia): See also http://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ipg149
Neonatal teeth
Removal of supplemental (extra) teeth
Orthodontic extractions
Removal of carious (decayed / rotten) teeth in children
Oral and lip lesions and swellings eg. mucoceles
In all cases, and in conjunction with parents / carers, I assess and advise on the suitability of general and local anaesthesia.
Please note that age restrictions may apply in certain private hospitals. Please check details with my secretary.
Facial Trauma (hard & soft tissue injuries)
My other special interest is in adult and paediatric facial injuries and I manage all aspects of this within the regions Major Trauma Centre at Addenbrooke's. In addition, I teach and run courses on this subject.
The face is central to who we are: it is the most important aspect of our appearance and essential in verbal and non-verbal communication. In addition, it has multiple functions from sight to swallowing.
Injuries to the face can therefore have significant effects on a persons wellbeing and it is essential that appearance and function are restored as soon as possible.
The causes of facial injury are many and include falls, fights, road traffic accidents, sports injuries and occupational injuries.
Such injuries are often complex and require careful assessment as many structures may be damaged within a relatively small area.
I am happy to see patients with recent and old facial injuries who have developed problems as a result. Please be aware that the private hospitals in Cambridge are not set up to accept patients with acute injuries.